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The Rockpile Crystals & Gems

Aquamarine with Pink Apatite and Muscovite Mica Specimen - Rare!

Aquamarine with Pink Apatite and Muscovite Mica Specimen - Rare!

Regular price $1,777.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,777.00 USD
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Terminated Aquamarine Clusters with Pink Apatite and Muscovite Mica Specimen

Origin: Afghanistan 

Weight: 1.66lb/752g

Size: 4.25 x 3.5 x 2 inches

Specifics: Largest beryl is a light, icey blue with pink apatite associate snuggled below. Clusters of clear beryls throughout garden of Muscovite Mica. Unique ability to stand alone on 4 different sides giving this specimen and different perspective and story.

Chakra: Throat; Heart

Uses: Water element stone. Gentle energy, yet consistent. Crystal of empowerment. Assists in communication of one's highest truth by speaking from heart to throat. Plunges to deepest emotions and subconscious. Clearing of stale energy. Frees from attachments, grudges, patterns, egos. Calms anger. Release unwanted emotional patterns that limit relationships. Grief. Wonderful for trauma work for clearing patterns. Deep cleansing to quickly work through change. Reduces fear of unknown. In women, opens a doorway to communicate with the Divine Feminine, intuitive ability. For men, assists in clearing emotional numbness, evens temper and frustration. Children are naturally attracted to this crystal which is helpful for those who have experienced trauma or are shy as it can cause them to be more talkative.

The addition of Pink Apatite further connects the growth and channeling of spiritual work and psychic ability. Aids communication. Deepens self-expression and communication. Unconditional love. Focus. Clarity. Concentration. Self love.
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