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The Rockpile Crystals & Gems

Clear Quartz Cluster Double Terminated from Brazil

Clear Quartz Cluster Double Terminated from Brazil

Regular price $125.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $125.00 USD
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Clear Quartz Cluster Double Terminated from Brazil

Weight: 752g/1.66lb

Size: 5.25x4.25x3.5 inches.

Specifics: Perfect to ampllify energy in a room. Due to formation, pair with other crystals to cleanse and amplify thier energy.

Chakra: All; Crown.

Uses: The Master Healer of all crystals. Amplifies the power of all other crystals. Increases energy. Cleanses and charges other crystals. Protection. Purificaiton. Higher conciousness. Intention programming. Clarify thoughts while improving concentration. Connect to the Divine. 

Quartz is one of the most versatile and widely used crystals in metaphysical and practices. It is known as a powerful amplifier of energy and intention. It is believed to enhance spiritual growth, clarity of mind, and manifestation abilities. Quartz is often used for cleansing and balancing the chakras, as well as for protection against negative energies. Clear quartz, in particular, is considered a "master healer" that can amplify the energy of other crystals and facilitate a deeper connection to higher realms.

Mineralogically, quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral that forms in a hexagonal crystal system. It is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and can be found in a wide range of environments, from igneous rocks like granite to sedimentary rocks like sandstone. Quartz crystals can vary in color, transparency, and structure, with variations such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, and smoky quartz each possessing unique metaphysical properties. 

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