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The Rockpile Crystals & Gems

Azurite on Malachite - Unique Formation!

Azurite on Malachite - Unique Formation!

Regular price $125.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $125.00 USD
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 Azurite on Malachite in a unique wave-like formation!

Origin: China

Weight: 202g

Specimen: 3.25 x 2 x 2.75 inches

Specifics: Perfectly shaped wave of Malachite barreling over Azurite Crystals
Chakra: 3rd Eye, Hearth Chakra

Gemmy Azurite on Malachite in Unique Wave Formation!
Origin: Morocco
Weight: 0.45lb
Size: 3 x 2.75 inches
Uses: Intuition, growth, healing, insight, spiritual guidance

Azurite and Malachite, often found together in nature due to their similar formation processes, create a visually striking combination of deep blues and vibrant greens. Azurite, with its intense blue hues, is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual guidance, resonating with the third eye chakra. Malachite, known for its rich green colors, is linked to transformation, growth, and healing, aligning with the heart chakra.

When these two minerals intertwine, they form a powerful union that balances the heart and third eye chakras, fostering a harmonious blend of intuition, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. This dynamic duo is believed to enhance one's ability to connect with higher realms, deepen meditative practices, and promote inner transformation and healing. The energetic synergy of Azurite and Malachite offers a potent combination of spiritual insight, emotional healing, and personal growth, making them popular choices for those seeking to expand their consciousness and align with their higher selves.

Azurite and Malachite, both copper carbonate minerals, often occur together in geological formations due to their similar chemical compositions and the presence of copper ores. Azurite is a deep blue mineral that forms in copper-rich environments through the alteration of copper ores. Its color results from copper ions within its crystal lattice. Malachite, on the other hand, is a vibrant green mineral formed by the weathering of copper ores. Its green color is due to the presence of copper compounds. Both minerals exhibit a monoclinic crystal structure and are commonly found in association with each other, creating visually stunning specimens that showcase a blend of blue Azurite and green Malachite. This mineralogical pairing offers a beautiful example of how geological processes can give rise to complementary colors and formations in the natural world.

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